Creativity is the Key to Capture the Hearts

Positioning statement can be both effective and captivating. It simply depends on how you develop such statement. As we all know, a good positioning statement should state:

  • how the firm defines its business or how a brand distinguishes itself
  • how customers will benefit from its features

However, whether or not a positioning statement is effective depends on how benefits or aspects of the products are communicated to the intended audience. Nevertheless, a positioning statement cannot be totally effective if it’s boring. It has to be captivating to its target market. Here, I found two ads for Scotiabank where the bank has adapted creative ideas for the later ad. The positioning statement at the end of the two videos are quite different. One being “We can be making tomorrow” while the other one is “You are richer than you think”.

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“You are richer than you think!!” I think almost everyone would stop for a second to just digest the message from that simple sentence. It’s from this process of digestion of information that consumers will be impressed by. Thus, creative ideas are essential for simply capturing the attention and retaining the hearts.

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