How to use online video as a marketing tool

  Content marketing is any marketing format that involves the creation and sharing of media and publishing content in order to acquire customers. With more and more consumers turning to their mobile devices for all kinds of things, the mobile becomes a powerful way of communication. Visuals enable content to stand out in the vast sea of information.That is why video content marketing is a critical content marketing element with a usage rate of 71%. Its main use is to create a memorable visual representation of your brand.

For example, RBC’s banking centers plays videos of their consultants giving tips on financial issues and problem solving. This helps take some frustration off clients waiting in line and reminds them of some of the services RBC provides that they may not know.

Lisa Ostrikoff, a writer for The Globe and Mail created a 7 ‘step’ to do list for effective use of this type of marketing.

The 7 steps are as follows:

  • Business video profiles and testimonials – Rather than a typical ‘ About Us’ section on your webpage, use videos to build a emotional connection with your audience.
  • Business video updates – Deliver company updates with videos instead of mass emails that just get sent to the junk box
  • Behind-the-scenes footage – Sharing behind-the-scenes footage exclusively with your consumers can create a sense of inclusion in an exclusive community of your followers
  • Explain a concept – Serves as an excellent teaching tool by allowing illustration of industry news and how-to tutorials.
  • Document events
 – Audience will feel as though they are  part of the action, which creates a stronger bond with your brand.
  • Launch a contest – A great way to get your community involved
  • Branded web series – Taking  traditional television show format and breaking it down into bite-sized video clips, known as webisodes. Such as 1 min cooking clips

Basically, to make your company stand out from the rest of the other ones. You need to learn how to use visual storytelling mediums effectively and incorporate them into your content marketing strategy. As an old going says, a picture has long been worth a thousand words.



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