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US military has recently been hugely affected by global warming. It’s day- to- day military training and activities are troubled by flood, and electricity shortage, they are now spending huge amount of money on detecting the potential environmental threats and making changes to the previous training method.


For US military to maintain a sustainable development, it would be better if it adapts triple bottom line framework. It takes into account 3 performances: social, environmental, and economic. Sustainability will only be achieved when all three performances are beyond expectations. But now, global warming is bringing in a lot of troubles and it has severe impact on military’s budgeting decisions.


The problem can never be solved by only reallocate the bases, cut down on outdoor training exercises or adapt to hotter temperature. It would probably help in the short run, but in the long run, all kinds of new problems will keep occurring, the only way to solve it is to reduce global warming effect and maintain a sustainable growth. It is not only the government’s responsibility. Military can help by having less gas waste or pollution.


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