
2014-05-15 19.23.23

Hello and thank you for visiting! I am Jenny Yiu and am a secondary English (IB) teacher in Vancouver, BC. I completed my undergraduate degree at UBC in English Literature with a minor in Psychology and am finishing my B.Ed and TESL certificate.

Since I was young, I never thought I would be a teacher. I even took my LSAT and applied for UBC law – ready to become a lawyer. Luckily, I had had extra time outside of my classes and decided to fill it up with volunteering. This led me to work with the Richmond Youth Service Agency where I visited multiple high schools to work with at risk students. All of a sudden, I realized that these volunteer experiences were what I looked forward to each day and I made the decision to apply for the Education program at UBC and after 12 months, here I am!


I have strong passion for literature – especially local Canadian literature. My favourite authors include Wayson Choy, Thomas King, David Chariandy, Margaret Atwood and Evelyn Lau.

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I also write fiction and poetry on the side, as well as playing a variety of musical instruments (alto and tenor saxophone, piano and violin). I’m a big Canucks fan and enjoy running, hiking and kayaking as past times. I grew up in Richmond and grew up in a traditional Chinese family so being Chinese-Canadian is a big part of my identity.

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