Ethical banking

This is an interesting article. As the article shows, some people tried to put their money in an ethical bank (which is invested money in renewable energy and companies which make some positive effects). In other words, these ethical banks get lots of new clients, and the traditional banks lose some clients.

Traditionally, companies try to get higher profit by doing some illegal things. However, these behaviours normally give companies some negative effects their brand images, and make them lose some customers.

However, it seems like ethics, and high profit are not always conflict. The ethical bank in this article is a good example. Actually, today many people in UK save their money in ethical banks. Jennifer Morgan (the character in this article) said she got the peace of mind by putting money in ethical bank and believed her money can make a difference to the world. Therefore, ethics is considered to be one of the bank’s strengths. After reading this article, I believe ethical banking is a new market. In the future, people may take care more about the environment or other ethical things. So ethical banking have a huge advantage to attract a huge amount of customers in the future.



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