Data visualization

Today, more and more companies pay attention to collect data. Some data will be analyzed and visualized. Then company can use data visualization to solve some complex problems, or do forecasts. However, is data visualization necessary? Shander explains his idea in his blog.

As Shander said, data visualization is expensive. Therefore,it is not always a good thing for companies. I used to believe that it was inefficiency if a company had a huge amount of data, but did not use them. However, after reading Shander’s blog, I find that it is not true. If the cost of data visualization excess its benefit, then there is no financial reason to do it. Maximizing profit is the main goal for almost any companies. So, data visualization will become a financial weakness if the overall profit is decreased. Furthermore, sometimes data visualization is not necessary. For example, an Internet company does not need to do data visualization to see how Coca Cola’s price changing. Therefore, I believe that a company should do data visualization when it is necessary and is reasonable.


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