Advantages of manufacturing in Asian countries

Today, many companies manufacture their products in Asian countries as several advantages.  For example, cheap labor cost,closing to a variety of raw materials. From Tina’s blog, I learn that high literacy rate can also be an advantage. This attacks my interest.  I want to know why literacy rate is also considered. This question links me to one article, which I read before, “U.S. manufacturing is back – but can Americans do the job?” In this article, I found that today the manufacturing work is complex. If some companies want to return their manufacturing back to the USA, they may face one problem: the USA may lack a huge amount of workers who can satisficy the requests of complex manufacturing skills. By contract, as Asian countries normally have large of population and high literacy rate, it is  easier to hire enough people who can satisfy the requested skills. These people may already have the request skills or can be easily training. Furthermore, these skilled workers will be paid a lower wage compared with their American counterparts. Therefore, many companies are willing to choose some Asian countries to manufacture their products.


Tina Zhang’s blog—- Why does Apple choose to manufacture its products in Asia?

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