Dec 01 2010

Tata Car Sales Sink Dramatically

Published by at 4:55 pm under Uncategorized

Sales of Tata Motor’s Nano – the world’s cheapest car, experienced a significant sales decline (about 85%) in November compared to a year earlier. Tata’s statistics showed that in November 2009, there were 54,622 sales across all the models, where there were only about 509 sales in November 2010! One important reason for the sales decline is fire hazard of the car: This came after owners of the hatchback reported about half a dozen since April last year. Another reason for the sales decline is the rises in prices.

Nano is the world cheapest car in the world, and it is considered very environmental friendly. As the Nano was designed for a population currently using eco-friendly bicycles and motorcycles, environmentalists are concerned by the increase in pollution that would allow a mass motorization in developing countries such as India. However, compared to developed country autos, Nano has a way lower emission. I think it is important for the manufacturers to ensure the car’s safety: because nobody will buy a automobile that is vulnerable to fire hazard. Also, if Nano wants to continue to increase their sales, they have to keep the price to a reasonable amount that customers will accept.

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