Dec 02 2010

World Cups and the Business World

Published by at 10:18 am under Uncategorized

Russia has been chosen to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup and Qatar has been selected to stage the 2022 World Cup. The Russian bid was picked ahead of England, Span-Portugal and Holland-Belgium to host the 2010 event, while Qatar got the better of the US, Australia to stage in 2022. Both decisions were made on Thursday. It is the first time that either Russia or Qatar has been chosen as host nation for the World Cup.

I personally am a big soccer fan, and so is every member in my family. I didn’t miss every single World Cup ever since I was born (there was a 1994 World Cup when I was only 2). I say hosting these sporting events is a very good way to stimulate our current economy. We all know that South Africa hosted the 2010 World Cup: thousands and thousands of fans and tourists went there not only to watch World Cup Games, but also to go there and spend money. I hope that sporting events like World Cups and Olympics never stop, because that is a way to keep the world peaceful and stimulate the economy.

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