Mar 24 2011

The Greatest Lesson I learned from Beethoven

Published by at 7:55 pm under Uncategorized

As we all know, Beethoven is one of the greatest musician ever lived. The reason for that is because his talent on music and his passion for music is outsanding and tremendous. Those musical pieces he wrote: Fur Elise, Symphony No. 5, Moonlight Sonata, all marked the great musician’s glory. But do we all know, that when he wrote the famous Symphony No. 5, he was completely deaf? Deafness, for a musician, what a sad story. But however, Beethoven was not defeated by the fate, he continued his enthusiasm towards music, and was still able to write so many great melodies and pieces, and that was a main reason why he was the most famous and amazing musician ever lived.

I learned from Beethoven that whatever we do, if we are persistent, and always keen, we will succeed on anything. When we go out and play soccer, basketball, how do we know if we are not great players if we don’t try to score? When we are doing projects, how do we know that we are not an A student when the prof just gives you an C- on your first assignment only? We can’t be defeated by those things, we have to always keep trying. If we are persistent, everything we do will be a success.

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