Archive for September, 2011

Sep 18 2011

Introduction to Peter Guo

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My name is Yizhuang Guo. I came to Canada about 6 years ago and named myself Peter, because I was obsessed with Spider Man. The reason I took this course is because Marketing is one of the options I intend to major in for the next year, because I think it is more interesting than other options like Accounting and Finance. It’s not that Accounting and Finance are not attractive to me (since everybody told me majoring in those options have a greater chance of finding a job more quickly after I graduate), it’s just that I like the way how Marketing needs more social communications with either customers or co-workers.

I have been working for ROOTS CANADA LTD as a sales clerk and cashier from grade 11 to the beginning of my first year in university. I quit working because I found that university life is very different from the life of high school: more interesting, more challenging, and of course, a little bit more stressful. Also, when I was in high school, I have been volunteering for various organizations like the Vancouver Maritime Museum as well as for my high school Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School. My favorite ad is an NBA TV commercial used to popularize the sport and the league. Basketball is one of my favorite sports, that’s why I love it so much and I think the words from the ad is so inspiring and encouraging (a picture below is a part of the ad, of course, not in motion).

Something personal I would like to share is that I was living in Singapore for a month, because my mom used to work there. And the Spanish and Argentina national basketball team were there for a warm-up basketball match. I went to the game and in the end I got a signature from Pau Gasol, who was a Spanish player and an NBA star (GOD! I was so nervous because I was just about 1 foot away from an actual NBA star!). It was a very interesting experience, and I also think it’s a great way for a player such as Gasol to “market” himself for his personal popularity because by giving out autograph signatures he is satisfying his audience, which are in a way his customers.

And that is pretty much about me and my first blog.

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