Oct 02 2011

Lebron James Wins Free Fries, not Championship

Published by at 5:41 pm under Uncategorized

Fans of NBA would know that the notorious action by Lebron James, for he escaped from Cleveland Cavaliers to Miami heat to join Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh to fulfill his dream: An NBA championship. However, in today’s world, as sports are being more and more commercialized, the NBA league, teams and players are all trying to expand their “markets”, which are basically people who watch or have the potential to watch basketball. So James’ action would bring him what his fans would love to see: the fact that he will win the chamionship.

Lebron James has earned himself a lot of admiration from fans, and I personally is a fan of Lebron James. He is a smart player, not only on the basketball court, but in the business field as well. Simply with his talent on basketball, his skills would attract millions of basketball lovers. As a result, “Company Lebron” has been dominating the fans market.

A lot of people already know that James is one of the advertising endorsers of Nike, and now, he has been working with the largest fast food restaurant McDonald’s. In his new McDonald’s spot, James allows the script to poke fun at him. “The odds of LeBron James winning seven championships?” the voiceover says. “One in …” — which James interrupts with mock outrage, saying: “C’mon, man!”

The voiceover continues, “The odds of LeBron winning a [Monopoly] prize? One in four.” And sure enough, James wins. “Free fries!” he says with delight.

In my personal opinion, even if McDonald’s stop launching advertisement campaigns indefinitely, it would still be the largest fast food restaurant in the world. However, the endorsement of James would be a good marketing intermediary to help McDonald’s promotion. However, it would not be a great deal for James, whose haters would now laugh more at him because of the “inability to win a championship” shown in the advertisement.

blog source link: http://www.brandchannel.com/home/post/2011/09/30/McDonalds-Monopoly-LeBron-James-093011.aspx

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