Oct 11 2011

The world lost a shining diamond – Steve Jobs

Published by at 9:14 pm under Uncategorized

The death of Steve Jobs was not only a death of a person, but a loss of the world. A blog from Drew’s Marketing minute “What can the average Joe learn about Steve Jobs” emphasized this point. We have never seen the world being so sad about a business man’s death, and I don’t know if we are going to see such time again.

Steve Jobs didn’t just change Apple, but he changed the entire marketing world as well. If there’s innovation of Apple brought by Jobs, other electronics companies like Sony, Sharp, Nokia and etc might still be developing and a turtle-moving speed. Apple stimulated the advancement of technology. He knew clearly what he was doing, and he knew what consumers wanted before they knew what they wanted for themselves. He understood marketing, and the power of simplicity, as well as branding… He was truly a genius and great innovator.

The next day after his death, I logged on Renren (A Chinese social network very similar to Facebook) and I saw a lot of people criticizing him and disrespecting him. I myself am a (well, somewhat) fan of Apple and their products, and I also admire and respect Steve Jobs very much. I think it is ok for people to not like Apple products, since everyone has different values and perceptions. However I found it very distasteful for people to insult Steve Jobs and humiliate his achievements. Some people just think that buying Apple products is a way of showing off how rich the buyer might be. However that’s a thing that happens in the Chinese market —- it is somewhat distorted. Some consumers and customers hate Apple users, maybe because of they are jealous, or maybe they really don’t like Apple, I don’t know. But they can’t deny the fact that even though Steve Jobs passed away, his long lasting brand will continue to be a giant in today’s technology market.

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