Nov 28 2011

Walt Disney: Can Our Dreams Come True One More Time?

Published by at 10:03 pm under Uncategorized

I believe many kids (including us) grew up fans of Disney, where many of our little childish dreams

(Like seeing the “real” Mickey Mouse or Kissing Cinderella) came true. A classmate, Jonathan Chen’s Blog “Walt Disney: Replaying the Classics” discusses a point where replaying the old movies like “The Lion King” can’t keep Disney in the competitive market for a long time. However I somehow disagree with this point, based on the current Disney’s company situation in the market.

First of all, every movie that Disney produced is just the same as a product, so it has a “movie life cycle” just like a product life cycle. However it is a bit different from the product life cycle because movies are usually short-term —- although the popularity of the movie can last a life time, the profit it brings to the company is only the highest in the period when it first comes out and becomes available in theatres. So by replaying “The Lion King” in 3D is introducing the same product again after several years to a new market, which are kids from the next generation after us. So Disney can actually generate profits again by playing “The Lion King” again, and even many of us who watched it when we were young would go and watch it again since it’s not only a movie but a symbol that refreshes our childhood.

Now for the point that “simply replaying movies will not keep Disney in the market for a long time”, I disagree because according to Disney’s current situation, the company has already built a strong brand and an invulnerable relationship with the markets by not only providing movies but also travel resorts like Disneyland in several places in the world. So yes simply replaying old movies isn’t a good idea but considering Disney has other services, kids’ dream can come true again.


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