Oct 09 2010

The Conflict of Diaoyu Islands between China and Japan

Published by at 7:21 pm under Uncategorized

China and Japan have had conflicts about the Diaoyu Islands – a group of islands that is northeastern of Taiwan, over that last few decades. According to information from China, they say that “in all records, whether historical books, academic research or old maps, have well proved that those islands are in the sovereignty of China”; however in Japan, they are saying exactly the opposite way: All records show that the Diaoyu Islands belongs to Japan.

Thinking not only about the Diaoyu Islands conflict between China and Japan —- around the world throughout the history, there are so many conflicts between countries about territories. And often those conflicts ended up with warfare.

In today’s world, the world is experiencing the economic recession. So co-operation between countries and countries are extremely important as we want recovery. Every country needs to use their strength to trade off just like companies use their SWOT analysis to maximize their profit. If such conflicts like the Diaoyu Islands between China and Japan keep growing and happening around the world, then political lock down will probably be a result – and that is the worst thing that could happen to the recovering world economy.

news source: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/china/2010-09/21/c_13523557.htm

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