B.O.S. – “Entrepreneurial Company of the Year”

On March 7th 2011, Frost & Sullivan, a leading global research organization, awarded B.O.S. (Better Online Solutions Ltd.) with the Entrepreneurial Company of the Year Award in the field of Automatic Identification Data Capture (AIDC).

B.O.S. is a leading provider of RFID and Supply Chain solutions to global enterprises, helping customers B.O.S. Logoworldwide to improve the efficiency of enterprise logistics, organizational monitoring and control.

B.O.S. has an outstanding focus on product innovations that are meant to help customers optimize their processes and thus make better business decisions. Furthermore, B.O.S. also has a remarkable growth dynamics approach.

Based on an independent assessment, B.O.S. ranked higher than its competitors in the categories of growth strategy, entrepreneurial spirit, business processes, innovation an customer value.

Also, B.O.S. has the flexibility and functionality of a scalable solution for a low total cost of ownership by being able to work with different types of readers, wireless networks, applications and protocols.



“Frost & Sullivan Awards B.O.S. “Entrepreneurial Company of the Year” in Automatic Identification Data Capture and RFID – Business – Press Releases – Msnbc.com.” Msnbc.com – Breaking News, Science and Tech News, World News, US News, Local News- Msnbc.com. Web. 10 Nov. 2011. <http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41945591/ns/business-press_releases/t/frost-sullivan-awards-bos-entrepreneurial-company-year-automatic-identification-data-capture-rfid/>.

Here is the company’s website: http://www.boscorporate.com/

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