Safe-Injection Site Saved

Vancouver’s Safe-Injection Site was saved last week from closure by the Supreme Court of Canada. The plaintiff, the federal government, argued its existence goes against criminal drug laws. However, B.C. lawyers won by maintaining its position under the health-care policy and advocating its prevention of  infections and death. Although Insite does allow the use of illegal substances, the Court ruled that it would also be denying users protection for life and security under the Charter of Rights. This has opened doors for the possibility of new sites across Canada, including Montreal.

I agree with the Courts decision to keep Insite open. Being a Vancouverite, I feel safer knowing the streets are cleaned up. Having fewer addicts on the streets also presents Vancouver as more distinguishable city with tourists. I think that other cities, such as Montreal, should adopt this system as well, but only after much consideration of its necessity. Vancouver’s downtown East Side is a very confined area consisting of a very high population of the city’s homeless drug addicts. So the site has produced little evidence that it attracts more drug use. Montreal needs to examine whether they too have such a location.

Insite Vancouver


Author Unknown. Montreal Gazette. October4, 2011. October 4, 2011. <>





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