Work and Volunteer Highlights

One of the best impressive work experience is salesperson in department store.

As a saleperson

I sold a variety of products such asprocessed food, snacks, water purifer, especially various alchohol for five months. I developed customer service skills by completing multiple Customer Service education programs also learned about how can I interact with customer and coworker during working.

In matter of volunteering,  I have many experiences. I helped prepare a film festival,  volunteered as a mentor,  helped make an eco-friendly campus, served as the head of the Gun-po love Scholarship Foundation, and did the Long March through Korea

The 15th Seoul international Cartoon& Animation Festival staft

I preparde that festival as leader of event team, handled everything about  event for three weeks. Moreover It was international event, I dealt with many types of animations&cartoons around the world. I could learned about tons of different cultures, life style and How can I organized large event and composed festival

Joong-Ang Newspaper ‘Study of God Project’

I Mentored a high school student on career planning, good study habits and relationship building for one year. I Assisted the student develop time management skills by working with her to develop a study plan. Through this activity I could learend mentoring and communication skills

The Long March through Korea

I participated that program as member of Korea Freedom Federation, did 330-kilometer race by marching across the country for two weeks. While marching down the street, sometimes I volunteered at the elderly welfare facility in village. Although marching was very exhausting and hard,  It would be good opportunities to challenge myself and get a confidence whatever I do.