Re: Snapchat turned down billion-dollar offer?

This blog is a response to a blog written by my friend Tiffany Chen.

I think that Snapchat turning down the 3~4 billion dollar offer from Facebook and Google was a ridiculously foolish decision on their part.

I read an article somewhere which was discussing about whether Instagram sold themselves short by giving in for a billion dollar offer. I disagree completely with this and think that Instagram made the right choice.

Although these app-based startups are starting to be valued more and more as we progress into the future, Snapchat being offered 4.5 billion is a ridiculously over-valued bid let alone Instagram’s 1 billion dollar offer by Facebook.

These huge bids are a result of the strongest ‘.com’ companies paying huge money for their dominance on the web. Neither Facebook and Google think that Snapchat is really worth as much money as they offered yet they felt that owning Snapchat would give them a slight stability in the industry of theirs that is dynamic to say the least.

Before we know it, Snapchat will be gone and another billion dollar idea is going to be in their shoes.

Louis, Tristan. “Snapchat And Other Best and Bungled Billion-Dollars Offers.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 16 Nov. 2013. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. <>.

China’s Government Continues To Surprise

This article focuses on the third Plenum that China just concluded. The most interesting point out of the reforms that took place was the loosening of the ‘one-child’ law.

China’s Plenum Outlines Ambitious Reforms to Its One-Child Policy, Banking, and Legal System

I’ve got to admit, the Chinese government is incredibly inefficient. Compared to the Japanese government who couldn’t make any sort of pragmatic action because of the slight opposition from party X until Abe came along, the Chinese government’s been functioning well like a company, doing what it knows best for the majority of the people of China.

With the one-child law now loosened, China is trying to resolve the potential issue of a lack of supply of labour. With China’s labour force increasing, they can maintain their ‘USP’ as a production giant fueled by cheap labour.

What amazes me is how flexible they are about changing such a rooted legislation. According to one source, 76% of the people of China support the one-child policy.

It is also very interesting that China treats the one-child law like a tax policy. When the supply of labor starts running low, they managed to loosen the ‘tariff’ on having a child thereby incentivizing supply.

Nicely done China.

Ever Wanted A Universal Credit Card? Now You Have It.

A former Ebay upper management, Kanishk Parashar, founded  a new company named Coin which is producing a universal credit card. They are being crowd-funded by interested customers who are willing to invest $50 in the development process of the product for a universal credit card post-launch. The product is going to retail for $100.

The idea of creating a universal credit card is brilliant as there’s a need for the product literally everywhere. Yet, there are some problems that Coin could possibly encounter.

Firstly, many people aren’t open to change especially if it’s something that might involve an unforeseen risk involving money. The universal credit card is very efficient but it’s only 2 or 3 cards thinner compared to what people already have. The current credit cards work fine right now so many people would be scared of changing to Coin, especially when the safety of their whole savings is involved.


Secondly, and connected to the first problem is that if they are not able to convince people that it is a hundred percent safe, they will have a hard time selling the product to customers.

With that said, I must say a universal credit card may be the next billion dollar idea that is simply an adaptation of what we already have.

Will Lenovo (and others) Get Any Sun After the Launch of Aakash 4?

We’re all familiar with the tablet market by now. We know that Apple sells the high-end iPad and it’s a Google (Nexus 7) vs. Apple (iPad mini) standoff in the cheaper tablet market.

There are (apparently) also players like Lenovo who are targeting a slightly cheaper segment but most of us don’t know about their activities because they failed to specifically target a unique segment. For example, if you are going to buy a $169 Lenovo tablet, you might as well buy a $200 Nexus 7 or an iPad mini.

When Lenovo and other’s presence in the tablet market seem gloomy, the emergence of a new $40 tablet named Aakash 4 with specs that are as good as Lenovo (and others) cheaper tablets pushes them further into the darkness.

Super Cheap Tablets

The company planning to sell these $40 tablets is Datawind from India. Their business model allows them to earn profit from the sales of apps and this allows them to place themselves in an extremely cost-leadership position of the tablet market which is similar to Nexus 7 and iPad mini, except more extreme.

If this product launch is successful in the UK which is planned to happen in the next couple of months, the looming shadows created by Datawind, Apple, and Google will give no place to surface for Lenovo (and others).

Re: First Walmart, now Amazon? Looking at Buying Groceries Online in Canada

This will be my first blog post on someone else’s blog and I decided to comment on my very good friend Brandon’s.

Reading the article, it seems like another good decision of Amazon’s to expand. Online grocery shopping is becoming more and more common while Amazon is finding it hard to increase sales by a significant amount so the decision seems almost natural. As I mentioned in my previous blog post, Amazon’s dominant position in their industry can be explained by looking at how Amazon reinvests most of their gross profit into new projects such as SMILE. I also agree with the point that Brandon gives about Amazon having the upper hand in distribution scales and logistics.

However, I feel that Walmart has an upper hand in some aspects of this head-to-head battle for the king of e-commerce. With Walmart’s revenue topping $469 billion and Amazon’s revenue being only $61 billion, Walmart has more flexibility to invest in the battle against the world’s biggest online store. I feel that the area where Walmart needs to compete in against Amazon online is the sales of perishable goods. Although Walmart does not have as big a distribution capacity as Amazon, with the growth of online grocery shopping being +22%, they have a chance of beating Amazon in this battle.

Amazon Foolishly Smart.

As some of you might know, Amazon came up with a new charitable project called ‘Smile’. How this works is, when customers purchase a product from Amazon, they have the option of deciding whether they want to donate a percentage of the profit Amazon makes to a trustworthy charitable organization such as Red Cross.

Now let’s not kid ourselves, we all know that except for a very select few, CSR is merely a method necessary to ultimately increase profit for for-profit businesses.

So the question everyone asks is, “How does one get ahead of competitors when the majority of companies out there are implementing CSR in a way or the other?”

Although this question may seem complex on the surface, it’s actually a very simple question to answer. All you have to do is to look at CSR as a marketing tool. If you think about it, all companies promote their ethical behaviours in some way or the other. And just like any other marketing moves, you have to look at CSR in that light. Therefore, the answer to the question asked above is that for a company to get ahead of competitors, they have to see how much their potential ‘socially responsible’ move is going to be perceived by the public, compared to the actual costs of implementing it.


For Amazon, the charity is going to decrease their EBIT, thereby essentially allowing Amazon to pay less tax for each product purchased with SMILE. When the end of a quarter comes, they can advertise the sum of SMILE’s charitable monetary contribution and customers would simply think that the figure represents how much Amazon gave away when technically, it isn’t. Needless to say, there would be more repeat customers as they feel good about their purchases lead to greater ‘world benefit’.

But still, the article says Amazon’s income statements aren’t showing any net profit. This is a sign that Amazon is doing it right. In a dynamic industry like theirs, they understand that they need to constantly adapt to keep their current customers and appeal to more and they are doing just that.

