China’s Government Continues To Surprise

This article focuses on the third Plenum that China just concluded. The most interesting point out of the reforms that took place was the loosening of the ‘one-child’ law.

China’s Plenum Outlines Ambitious Reforms to Its One-Child Policy, Banking, and Legal System

I’ve got to admit, the Chinese government is incredibly inefficient. Compared to the Japanese government who couldn’t make any sort of pragmatic action because of the slight opposition from party X until Abe came along, the Chinese government’s been functioning well like a company, doing what it knows best for the majority of the people of China.

With the one-child law now loosened, China is trying to resolve the potential issue of a lack of supply of labour. With China’s labour force increasing, they can maintain their ‘USP’ as a production giant fueled by cheap labour.

What amazes me is how flexible they are about changing such a rooted legislation. According to one source, 76% of the people of China support the one-child policy.

It is also very interesting that China treats the one-child law like a tax policy. When the supply of labor starts running low, they managed to loosen the ‘tariff’ on having a child thereby incentivizing supply.

Nicely done China.

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