Self Assessment Blog

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To be honest, I am not good at English writing. When I graduated from high school and prepared for the IELTS test, I struggled in the Writing tests. English is not my first language. Learning a new language is hard, especially in writing. Writing concise sentences without misleading is usually my weakness. I was worried that my expression was not clear enough to let my audiences understand and therefore writing much as possible to deliver my ideas. I tried to balance the sentence conciseness and content clearness when I wrote my assignment. When we did the peer review throughout the term, I usually got feedback saying improve the conciseness by deleting unnecessary words. However, there is still a long way to enhance the overall conciseness.

After all the ENGL 301 through the term, I feel that I learned a lot and improved my English writing. I learned many skills in writing career-related documentation such as application letter, cover letter and resume. Writing is an art. Expressing ideas using sentences in these documents is similar to drawing. Carefully choosing the contents and emphasizing my advantages is an excellent way to attract employers. Also, I learned to write with my attitude. I learned to use appropriate words to express my attitude, such as angry, unpleasant, respectful and others. I think this course will benefit me a lot in my career life. I also learned to construct a proper report step by step. This process allows me to build my idea on some problems and requires learning from others.
When I sought a solution to my question in my report, I researched similar problems in the preview academic works. I found my problem is not unique. I learned their solutions and analyzed them in my scenario.

Finally, I am glad to finish this intensive writing course. In this course, I met friends and learned a lot about technical writing. I appreciated all the help and feedback from the instructors and my teammates.