Revised Peer Review of a Formal Report

To: Yifan Wang, ENGL 301 student

From: Yang Liu, ENGL 301 student

Subject: Peer Review of the Formal Report Draft

Date: November 19th, 2021

Dear Yifan,

Thank you for inviting me to review your formal report on Helping UBC CS Students Better Prepare for Career. You have done a terrific job in addressing the problem about the current UBC CS computer science program and providing an appropriate solution regarding the issue. Here are suggestions for you to improve your formal report.


In the introduction part, an informative background is provided. Lack of training on the interview, industrial skills and working experiences is the main issue in the UBC computer science program. Your report aims to let CSSS extend their functionality to help students acquire these skills, and therefore the audience for this report is the president of CSSS. An impressive start!  

Research Methods and Data Session:

In this session, two data sources are stated, and any relevant results/findings are analyzed. The primary data is a survey for all CS students. I like how you start with a detailed description of each question so that audiences would not lose. Also, a visualized result is provided for each survey question. Well done to analyzing and presenting the first data source. However, the secondary data source is less informative compared with the first data source. In your secondary data source session, it is better to clarify what websites of “other renowned CS faculties” you have included to answer your research question. I wonder what the names of those universities are, what they did to address any similar issue you have mentioned in UBC, and how their solutions are. Does their solution works or not? If yes, what insight can be helpful for the CSSS? (Or you can consider moving the Cornell University example into data session and including more)

Proposed Solution and Feasibility Analysis

In the proposed solution part, a proposed solution is given, and what functionality CSSS should provide is listed. However, I would strongly recommend you to include more content in this part. For example, mentorship programs, experience sharing from alumni are two main functionality you suggest CSSS have. I am curious about how these two functionalities can help students avoid lack of training on the interview, industrial skills and working experiences, which are the three main problems you have stated in the introduction. By having more content also help improve the organization of your paper by establishing a connection between the analysis part and the introduction part. Three questions/problems are given in the introduction, and each is well-addressed/solved in the following paragraphs. 


The conclusion part provides a concise summary of this report with questions and a proposed solution. A good review of the whole report! 


The whole report is divided into many sessions and sub-sessions. This report is well organized and easy to follow. However, one suggestion for you is to merge the research method session and data session because the research method session provides information on the data sources, which can be part of the data session. 


An appropriate title page with title, author name, intended audience and data is included as requested. Table of Content lists all names of sessions and their page numbers. Well done!

Overall, this report is impressive. I can see your effort in making a perfect report to help UBC CS students better prepare for careers. I hope my suggestions for you are helpful. Feel free to ask me any questions about my suggestions.