Metric – Not So Unplugged

I went my all time favorite band-Metric’s concert about a week ago. I got there early enough to be right in front of the stage. Needless to say, they blew my freaking mind.

So close I can taste ya

Musicians, not unlike politicians these days, can’t turn their backs on social media if they want to survive. Rather than begrudgingly buy into the latest “gimmick” that is the social media, Metric is one of the musicians that embraces social media as a tool to better communicate to their fans in order to close the gap. They provide genuine value for their fans to subscribe to them and visit their website, through exclusive track release, early ticket sales, and merchandise.

For their most recent tour, Synthetica, they have been utilizing social media even more to increase engagement. Many artists simply post the link to their ticket vendors continuously hoping to encourage sales from their fans. Metric, on the other hand, has been placing their concert tickets at hidden locations of the city they are touring, and they post them on social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, few of their fans can have a chance to come watch them for free. These few tickets may cost them couple hundred dollars (maybe none if the concert is not sold out), but the emotional engagement and the buzz the campaign is generating probably far outweigh the cost.

Lucky bastards!

Nice to see my favorite band excel in a craft that I care about!

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