Zappos’ unique organizational culture

In one of our lectures, we came across a unique company with a great organizational structure. This company is Zappos; an online shoe store that ships shoes for free with the possibility of exchanges within 360 days. Their staff also communicates with their customers well, even interacting with them on a personal basis. They are well-trained and deal with the problems on the spot: there is no need to go through multiple staff members.

This goes to show that Zappos provides its customers with impeccable customer service. But what is the driving force between the workforces’ enthusiasm and ability to provide high quality customer service? It’s Zappos’ organizational structure.

Zappos’ workforce is kept happy through many perks such as providing free food and drinks, facilitating social interactions between its employees and allowing individualism (they can decorate their cubicle). By keeping their employees happy, their loyalty increases and  customers are happy too; thereby helping Zappos keep their employees and customers.

It is also interesting to note Zappos’ recruitment process: they take extra measures to ensure that the employees they hire want to work for the company and arent there to just pay the bills. For instance, they will pay new employees to quit: it may seem like they will be making a loss but they are making more. It reduces turnover costs and the assurance that the employees takes the company’s interests to heart.


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