Response to External blog: How Much Can the Wrong Hire Cost You?

This blog highlights how hiring the wrong employees can adversely cost the company a lot of its resources and time. The time and money used in recruiting, selecting and orienting them are put to waste. Even worse, every time a company hires the “wrong” employee, the same time and resources will be used up.

In addition to this, there are also extra expenses spent on severance pay, termination costs and potential legal issues concerning unfair dismissals. This will of course greatly affect their company in a negative way; potentially chasing customers away due to its perceived image as a company that does not have corporate social responsibility.

Apart from bringing the company in a bad light, it will affect the company’s productivity, its relationship with their customers and work quality. Therefore, I think that it is important that a company ensures that they hire employees who cares about the interests of the business, truly wants to work there and help it develop and become more successful.

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