The Crazy Singles’ Day

11.11 is said to be the festival for singles in China since the number 1 looks like a single person.This day became a shopping festival five years ago when many online shop offered bargain on this day.From statistics,the first six minutes pf transaction topped $160 million,setting a new record.(// introduced that their sales in 11.11 finally reached 35 billion yuan,increasing by 83% compared with the sales last year.

Honestly,people spend more money if they have a right excuse and the situation where all the people around are shopping because they feel less guilty.For sellers,this is a great tactics to create a environment where people are willing to spend money.Though e-commerce sites like Alibaba,Tmall and Taobao provide huge discount,those single bargain hunters are not the only ones that take advantage of this deal.Actually,Alibaba processed $3.1 billion in transactions last year(data from the link above).

Basically,this is more than a successful tactics for all the online shop owners and online shopping sites,but a win-win situation for both the sellers and the consumers.Also I think it is a good example for advertising,since they understand their customers and know how to make them happy to spend their money.

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