Happy Feet- Zappos

In today’s lecture, the importance of managing human resources and creating a strong organizational culture by companies was addressed by the processors, and Zappos was used as an example for demonstration.

To start with, I was really surprised by the fact that Zappos is a company that really cares about its employees. The management team has constantly been trying to create a sound and favorable working atmosphere and a strong organizational culture by motivating the employees.  For example, Zappos’ office is equipped with a dining area that provides employees with free food and snacks. Moreover, the company also covers the employees’ medical and dental insurances. Although these policies may be costly to carry out, however, they are beneficial to employees so that employees have a sense of belongingness and more motivation to be more productive and create more value to the company. In addition, the company also values the experience and satisfaction of its customers. It offers customers unlimited toll-free calls and free shipping and returns service, this really creates both the incentive for existing customers to continue to purchase Zappos’ products and the possibility for the emergence of new customers.

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