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Comments on Andrew Choi’s blog: Retail Tea Tales

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I personally love small companies. Like what Professor Tamar said, not like big companies which are usually employee-saturated, you could actually handle something when you work for a small company.

Also, I found Andrew’s point of view towards retails and wholesales  is very dialectical. In general, retailers serve individual customers and wholesales serve customers or companies which are in need of a large number of the product. A company chooses their sales strategy according to what product they want to sale and what their target market is.

Tea, in traditional Chinese culture, always functions as gifts for family members and friends, so it is normally sold by retailers. Many tea suppliers in China are trying to booth their sales by cooperating with tourism industry, attracting travelers to visit the tea houses and buy their tea products as gifts for family and friends back home. The example of Tealeaves provides a fresh perspective of selling tea. Targeting at wholesales market can be another effective way to keep those tea suppliers’ plantations running. Like Tealeaves’ market — renowned restaurants and hotels which are in need of high-quality tea to cater their customers’ luxury needs, will be perfect choices for local tea suppliers to cooperate with.

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