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Google logo for Intrapreneurship case study-Intrapreneurship program

Google creator of successful “Innovation Time Off” intrapreneurship program

“Smart companies want you to become an intrapreneur because it fuels business growth and allows them to gain a competitive advantage in their industry.”

Google is famous for its unique innovation. At the first time I saw pictures of Google’s office building, I was shocked. It is almost an amusement park for employees, full of colorful decoration and toys. Why does Google do that?

As I quoted at the beginning, smart companies do not push employees to work, but they want everyone to create. Google even specially set up a program called Google’s Intrapreneurship Program. Famous Google products and services such as  Google News, AdSense and Gmail, all came from employees’ intrapreneurial ideas. Not like traditional companies, technology-core companies apply flat operational structure — employees can pitch ideas directly to executives.  Turning employees into entrepreneurs and enforcing them to capitalize new business ideas lever up the innovation of the whole company.

In return, with their intrapreneurial ideas applied to practice, meaning their abilities are confirmed by the company, employees will have a stronger feeling of belonging to and contributing to the company. Hence, such win-win project brings Google financial success and employee loyalty.


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