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If  the United Nations was fully funded, why would we need the Arc or social enterprise?


The United Nations is not an organization that specificly handle economic issues. The economic development in countries of Africa and South America is only one of the many issues that the UN should care about. Not putting enough attention, time and money, the UN alone cannot make any outstanding changes. So there came Arc and social enterprises to provide specific aid on the economics development of those developing countries.

Arc Initiative, as a university program, could directly provide business knowledge and skills. Take Arielle Uwonkunda as an example, she is originally from Rwanda, so nobody knows the economics situation of Rwanda better than her. Knowing exactly what to do to help the government and local entrepreneurs, members of Arc Initiative could efficiently offer their help.

I am particularly interested in the fashion brand Osei-Duro and this kind of social entrepreneurship is what I am always pursuing. Closely communication with local people of Africa and South America allows the Arc Initiative team to help them in a more meaningful way — not just give them something, but help them earn their livings using their own hands. By doing so, not only economics stuation will be better, but the education will be improved and the cultural inheritance will be achieved. Also, compared to the United Nations, Osei-Duro as a social enterprise has more power to influence the global market by instilling fresh energy and perspectives towards fashion into the industry.



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