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Archive for March, 2011

Public relationship is a field concerned with a public image for business, it also a practise of managing the communication between an organization between its public. Public relation disciplines include many of fields such as financial PR, consumer PR, Government PR and so on. For marketing, it’s focus on the market, consumers and demands. Public […]

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Beauty industry

After watching a TV series, I become very interested in beauty industry. Everyone wants themselves to be beautiful and adorable to get other people’s attention.  Beauty not only is about having gorgeous apprearence but it’s also related to how self-esteem and self-value can be expressed individually at the best way. There is a lot of […]

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promotion are powerful nowadays because it has been apllied widely by firms to increase their products sales. The real meaning of promotion means get the right message to the right audience though the right media. For example, peole often stop by the shops if there are any promotions going on , like what we often […]

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