Business Ethics

Nowadays, business ethics becomes a significantly important topic in business study. With the rapid development of modern society, the rate of corporation crime has shown an upward trend. The emphasis on responsibility and obligation that individuals should have is quite essential for promoting high standard business. I believe schools should be in charge of this situation, providing ethics courses and help students to comprehend the value of ethics. According to the news ‘Three simple reasons to teach ethics in business schools: Chris MacDonald’ from Canadian Business, it is mentioned that ethics courses are more likely to help students to realize the danger of rationalization, and make students more comfortable to talk about this topic. In the end, by constantly studying this course, students’ behavior will be ‘engage in solid ethical reasoning in the work place’. This news effectively explained the ethics studying environment has huge contribution to students understanding of ethics. From my own experience, it tells me the same. The school does have huge impact on students’ view of ethics. I still remember last year during my UBC application process, there was a video section, and I was asked to share my worst ethical experience. To tell the truth, I was completely not ready for this question, because I had never had any this type of conversation before. Several months later, in my high school International Business class, I studied a Chapter called Business Ethics. In that class, I had a lot of discussion with my classmates about ethics. The most amazing part of this class is not only what the teacher taught to the class, but also the environment of sharing our values of ethics. From looking at different cases in the world and listening to different experience from others, I was more aware of the important responsibility I should take in many situations. I subsequently built up my own value of ethics, and it finally became part of my life. I really appreciate that UBC provides me the idea of importance of ethics, and thank my high school gives me the opportunity to learn more about it. Schools can be extremely helpful for building up students’ moral obligation by deliver the proper value of ethics.


Why Ethics Matter: A Business Without Values Is a Business at Risk

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