Monthly Archives: April 2014

Blog # 6 Teamwork experience

The previous marketing assignment ask our team to take a video to use the marketing concepts such as 4Ps , SWOT and STP to do the analysis for the company we chose and offer them with  effective recommendations.

When we see the instruction of the assignment. we decide to answer all the questions required and show our suggestions plans, and expectations for the company in the future. We also want to do it in a creative way and give all audiences an impression of a high-tech picture. We differentiate the works for each team members, and each people is responsible for a certain part .

However, some ideas in our mind is very difficult to be achieved in the reality. For example we want to show the difference among past, present and future smart phone market, but we found it was hard to show the future especially that we can not get a future Blackberry phone. Also i feel that we started the project not early enough so that we can not make the quality of the video perfectlt as we expected.


Holt Renfrew VS Harry Rosen



Holt Renfrew and Harry Rosen are regarded as the two biggest retailers in term of Luxury Clothing. The biggest difference between is that Holt Renfrew sell both men’s and women’s clothing but Harry Rosen only focus on men’s staffs. Another difference is that for men’s clothing Harry Rosen Target business people who are in about mid age as their main customers but Holt Renfrew have more designer’s brand for young people.

According to the consumer’s behaviour, females tend to be more likely to go shopping than males. When a couple go shopping together, there will be a greater chance that they go to Holt Renfrew rather than Harry Rosen. Although, both stores contains many same brands, consumers can hardly to find the same thing in each stores. i think it is the result of the Canadian culture.  Most banks, airline and communication companies avoid to compete with their competitors face to face.  They are always avoiding the direct competition and be too friendly to each other. As I know , there are only less than 10% of goods in common in Holt Renfrew and Harry Rosen. They are not trying their best to get an extra market share from each other. They are satisfied with their current market position.

lacking of competition is a serious problem in many industries in Canada. Several oligopoly companies dominate the market and leave consumers not many choices. This also means than they have a huge potential to improve their service and set a more reasonable price for consumers if there are some new powers entering the market.

How to use the power of an existing brand



  •   After reading Ernest Li ‘s blog of “the brand Lexus” ,I start thinking about this kind of marketing strategy nowadays many car manufacturers are using. Especially for most Japanese car companies, for example Toyota created Lexus, Nissan created the Infiniti and Honda created the Acura.
  •    In the marketing  class, we talked about the product mix and product line.  company can either choose to increase the product mix to increase  breadth or offer more product in each product line to increase the depth. However, The three Japanese car brands I mentioned above chose to use their market power to make  a new brand. As we know, Japanese car is famous because of its economical performance and relative cheap price for buying price and maintenance. With  the original brand, it is very difficult for them to gain the market share of luxury car market. People know these brands so well for so many years and  and the market segment that these companies target can not be transferred to be the potential consumers of luxury line very easily.
  • For Toyota, Honda and Nissan, they have huge advantages over their companies who are new to the luxury car market. They have great experience on management, marketing and after sale services.
  • Although Lexus, Infiniti and Acura still don’t have strong brand recognition in luxury car market as BBA( BMW, Benz,Audi), according to the sales performance in the previous year the gap between them and european is getting smaller and smaller.