Steve Jobs, more than just a name.

Steve Jobs passed away today at the age of 56.

I don’t have to describe how great of a man he was, or list his accomplishments as CEO of Apple and Co-founder of Pixar. As Fortune Magazine states, “The past decade in business belongs to Jobs.”

However, the legacy he leaves behind is much more than the familiar brand names that were associated with him. I would like to share with you this inspirational speech that Steve Jobs had made a year after he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

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Steve Job’s speech left me with these thoughts. Life is unexpected. Explore. Incorporate. Connect the dots. In the video, Steve Jobs shared his family background and college experiences, of his journey as he started Apple from his basement, of how he established Pixar, of his return to Apple, of his fight with cancer, and inspirational words to the youths and future leaders.

Having been told in 2004 that he only had 3-6 months to live, Steve Jobs fought the battle all the way until today. Through everything, his clear goal in life, passion, determination, and positive outlook makes him, even more, a man to be admired.

Word Count: 195






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