Do dragons need manners?

After reading Olivia Julia Lanni’s blog about Kevin O’Leary’s and his appearance on Dragon’s Den, I couldn’t help but make a few comments.

Dragon’s Den and Shark Tank have long been some of the most watched shows in my house.  As I watch Dragon’s Den with my father, Kevin’s aggressive character stands out clearly. With all due respect to Kevin, for he is a very successful businessman, and based on his experiences, his takes toward the entrepreneurs coming onto the show are probably right; however, the way that he expresses his views, and his obnoxious attitude towards the entrepreneur and sometimes even towards his fellow “dragons”, have upset many.

Arlene Dickinson, a fellow “dragon”, had commented on Kevin’s behavior during one of the episodes: “You can give good advice, but you don’t have to be mean about it.”

I can’t agree more. One may be the richest person in the world, or famous and well acknowledged, but even then, respect towards others is still very necessary.

Word Count: 167



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