Barbie, IT’S OVER

The above picture from Angelina Chapin’s blog on the Canadian Business website caught my eye and steered me on to read about Greenpeace’s campaign against Barbie. Mattel, the producers of Barbie dolls, had been purchasing paper and packing products from companies that harm the rainforest in order to reduce packaging costs. In its campaign, Greenpeace released this video in June:

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In response, Mattel announced recently that it will stop purchasing its packaging materials from such companies, and will commit to use more recycled paper and products approved by the Forest Stewardship Council. And with that, Barbie and Ken are reunited.

I find Greenpeace’s creative and effective marketing tactics very impressive. Greenpeace’s campaign against Nestle to stop the use of palm oil from destroyed forests and orangutan habitats is yet another great example of its successful marketing. It’s no wonder that these organizations are getting the message and taking action.

Word Count: 154





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