Culture and learning styles

What are the significant cultural differences in young children’s learning styles?



Classroom demographics are becoming increasingly diverse today. Every individuals learn in their own ways; however, we are bound to find varying learning styles that are unique to certain cultures in diverse groups. It is thus essential for teachers to acknowledge and to understand students’ individual learning styles to maximize their learning. In terms of primary students, these learning styles have not developed fully yet as they are still in their developmental stages. Aiding the discovery of unique learning styles is one of the many essential roles of primary teachers. Individual learning styles develop over time as the student progresses through school but it is important to remember that students’ cultural belief/values towards education, home environment, and languages can greatly influence their development of learning styles too. For this reason, teachers’ cultural sensitivity and flexibilities to provide various opportunities are key to students. One framework teachers can follow is the culturally responsive teaching.

Research: the journey

Culturally responsive teaching



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