Building a strong sense of community

My lessons are inquiry-based and student-centered, which means discussions will take place frequently. Throughout these discussions, I will take the facilitator role and encourage students to share their thoughts and work with the ideas presented. One of the most important jobs as a facilitator is to acknowledge all answers and guide them towards the right path. Often times students will come up with partial answers, which become puzzle pieces of the bigger knowledge.

Some of the great tools that can be implemented for a successful and smooth knowledge building would be the KWL charts, think-pair-share, brainstorming, concept webs, etc. These help the students and I to visualize the puzzle pieces that have been presented. By helping them connect the pieces together, we are able to build the knowledge together as a community.

Providing an environment for students to demonstrate or share their ideas, thoughts, understanding, etc. would be another essential part of a facilitator’s job. Using group work, discussions, and/or team building activities and games can help create a strong sense of community where students will feel safe to do so.


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