
Autumn Tree

We decided to invite autumn into our classroom our way 🙂

1. Paint two pieces of long craft paper brown. Dry them.

2. Crumple up newspapers and scrap papers and have a paper ball fight!!!! (WARNING: psychologically prepare yourself for an out-of-control scream and laughter for about 5,10min)

3. While the paper ball fight is going on, quickly prepare the tree trunk as you keep an eye on the students. If you crumple the painted paper first, it will add texture to the tree and make it easier to form the trunk.

4. Trunk doesn’t have to be perfect yet. Once you sort of have it, let the students throw the paper balls into the hollow trunk. When the trunk is filled, it will look perfect!!!! 🙂



We cut out a little hole in the tree and made a squirrel sit in it. We also made autumn coloured leaves and put them on our tree. The students were very proud of their tree!!

Measurement fun

Students went around the classroom to find and collect nonstandard measurement tool they can use to measure their environment.



Here students are using a hand-made balance scale to measure things around them to see which one weighs more than the other.
