UBC Sauder Business School Rape Chant Scandal

I think the rape chant is understandable but intolerable. People who participate in Frosh are still young, and they shout aloud the chant that is deemed cool by them but intolerable by the public.

The rape chant scandal affects UBC Sauder Business School and students negatively. For Sauder, the scandal may disappoint prospective students in Canada, or broadly, around the world, which may lead to less students coming in Sauder next year. For the students, prospective employers may think that students in Sauder may have moral problems, and they will affect company cultures in a negative way.

The scandal is an opportunity. For Sauder, the scandal provides it with a chance to educate its students about showing respect towards female. For Sauder’s students, they can learn how to show respect to everyone, and what is appropriate to say in the public.

I’ve received a few emails from the CUS and Sauder. They are trying to solve the problem, at the same time, educate us, the group of young people, which is a good sign.

 1.RYAN, DENISE. “Investigation begins into frosh ‘rape chant’ at UBC .” Vancouver Sun. Vancouver Sun, 9 Sept. 2013. Web. 11 Sept. 2013. <www.vancouversun.com/news/metro/Inv> (Original Article)

2. Picture comes from <http://ubyssey.ca/news/sauder-chant-325/> (Picture)


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