My, Your, Our Time


Using English Alphabet, I formed blog title in Korean. Used letters are L, T, O, I,Z and V. 

MYOUR TIME, the abbreviation of My, Your and OUR Time. I shortened the long title into 2 words because a) I want the title to be eye catching so it is easier to memorize, b) cause YOUR imagination to go wild thinking what MYOUR is! It is not actual word but if you are to divide it up, it has 3 words that we use often around us.

The reason why I chose this title is to show that I am taking my time to write different aspects of Korea in 4 main topics: G,R,S,J and extra one: K for my own personal interest. For me to write something relevant to G,R,S,and J, I will be taking quite a time to write but also, will be taking your time to read and write a comment. In the end, we will be spending OUR time. So I decided to put that as my blog title.



As you see below, it is Korean version of my title. I got inspired from art piece on one of Metro station wall(diagram above). It is saying “Can we please live without English? I love you Hoon Min Jung Eum (Korean Alphabet)” which is formed only with English Alphabet. It was ironic yet felt sympathy toward the piece. Hangul, considered as one of greatest language invention of all history is currently misused by younger generation. Moreover, as the society wants more talented individuals that English is becoming mandatory course for all age. This maybe relevant to R, Race. As one of Korean experienced through harsh education environment. I am aware of how English is valued more than Korean. To me, it felt miserable to see how people are trying to make advancement to the race by ignoring one’s history and value. To present how the language of Korea, Hangul is significant invention, I decided to use the art piece as example to create my own.