Tag Archives: Korea

Ones Forgotten

Other artwork of mine. It is to show the lack of  awareness of all the independence activists who risked their lives to give their future generation independence.

Other artwork of mine. It is to show the lack of awareness of all the independence activists who risked their lives to give their future generation independence.

Even though I said I will be focusing on concurrent events that are happening in Korea, I tend to slip into past event for some reason… Anyway, as I started to write about the past event, I will continue with past events that are related to GRSJ issues in Asia- South Korea.

When it comes to modern Korea, most intriguing yet well known event is regarding to Japanese colonization in the peninsula of Korea. There are various factors that Korea became one of colonized country in the world. First of all, it was given the chance for Japan to start flowing in. Korea at the past is like current North Korea. We didn’t have big exchanges happening since the one of the “governor” disagreed with accepting western culture or products into Korea itself. Probably due to fear that our traditional culture will disappear due to fusion made with other culture. Secondly, there was inner breakdown. Some of the governors believed that Korea wouldn’t have a chance toward Japan so they betrayed and “sold” the country to Japanese government. “Selling” the country includes giving the top secret about country such as the military information and weakness that they could possibly use to seize Korea. In result of those, on 1905 the forceful contract was made between Japanese government and Korean government which disadvantaged Korea government so much. Because contract that was made took over the control of Korean government’s right of diplomacy. From here onward, as many people are aware of this, Japanese government took over the whole country and they ruled it very very cruelly.

As diplomacy was held by Japanese government, they did whatever they like with the country. Japanese citizens came over to Korea to live since they were treated better in the country. Police or even Japanese citizens treated the citizens with cruelty. Women were always receiving sexual harassment; citizens were to be used violence with no reason. However, police let it be unless Korean citizens used violence against Japanese students. If caused harm toward Japanese, then they were punished severely. Due to this unfair treatment, some of the citizens started to revolt against the Japanese government.

They are called “Independence Activist” – they work to gain the freedom of Korea back from the hand of Japanese government. ­­­­They literally gave up on their life to help the life of citizens better in sense of less violation and others. They tried so heard to throw the government out of the country. But since the activists are minority member of the whole country (the ones who are actually leading the movement and planning the movement) so they were working in really tough environment. They were chased after by Japanese government, sometime if they were captured they will tortured inhumane way until their death. They had their families, friends and lovers but just because they wanted to see the freedom of the country, they worked with their life to go against the government.

Back to the point, with their numerous lives and efforts throughout the whole year, Korea finally gained the independence against Japanese government. People celebrated but did not remember much who were sacrificed behind the scene. Currently, a lot of students are not aware of the people who gladly died to gain the independence. Obviously, they do not remember female activists more than male activists. There is only proof of a photo who helped to gain independence but it is still lacking to verify every individual people who worked for the independence.

Education: What is right for our future generation? (part 2)

Last time, I talked about Korean Education and how it is different from Western education. To summarize, Korean education is rigid style which base on the textbook and memorize. Contrasting to it, western education offers individual creative thoughts toward the certain issues or topic.

I briefly talked about Education in order to mention about the on going issue happening in Korea. To explain what this issue is, the current president of Korea decided to change the textbook of Korea, specifically History textbook.

What’s so special about it?

Well, until now, Korea used various textbooks; no fixed single textbook to be used in the education. So sometimes books covered slightly different information and focus points. But current president Park Geun Hye decided to change this and unify into single book. It sound pretty reasonable. But there are a lot of disagreement going on between students. Let’s see what are some agreements and disagreements of unifying history textbook.


  1. Since there are various history textbooks (more than one kind), confusion can be caused upon students in learning history. It is because different publishing house include slightly different knowledge. (They have main topic to teach but it may vary upon which textbook they are using).
  2. It is believed that history should be taught in “neutral” perspective. Indicating that history should be taught in an objective standard.
  3. There are a lot of errors or mistakes made in the authorized textbooks. So the mistakes should be almost completely fixed in new textbooks.
  4. It is duty for us, governors to deduce the pressure on entrance examination. (Entrance examination is the exam that high school students take in order to go to university. Apparently, there is increasing pressure given to the students due to this examination getting harder.) Also, since there are a lot of textbooks covering slightly different information, students have to study all of them in preparing for examination.


  1. We should teach students in various and wider perspectives/ opinions so they are not slanted to single perspectives or opinions.
  2. The interpretation of history is just a part of study but it can’t become solid opinion.
  3. History can be made through debate but not solidly through opinions and interpretation. (Meaning, history can’ be decided and recorded according to one’s opinion or interpretation. But rather has to be debated to find one general idea)
  4. When it comes to history, when publishing textbooks, it could include views that may be biased/ prejudiced. (Because people share somewhat different perspectives toward single event or idea)
  5. Even though the publishing companies are independent, it doesn’t mean the published textbooks just get in to students’ hand without going through governments’ verification.
  6. For example, one of Korea’s Independent activists, Dr. Yoon Bong Gill is great example. In Korea and China, he was and is considered as one of the greatest activists who fought for the independence from Japan. Moreover, China’s most powerful authority mentioned single Chosun man (Korean man) did what China’s 100 thousand soldiers couldn’t do. On contrary, from Japanese government, he was mentioned as terrorist and murderer for killing their general. This shows how the words, phrases and sentences are decided through the which perspectives it is being viewed through. Moreover, it changes the perspectives of the students depending on what perspectives they are created to be viewed.

In present, opinions of citizens were quite competitive but it is inclined more toward disagreement.

Personally, I am more inclined to disagreement due to various reasons. First of all, as some of who went through IB program in my high school, I know that history is very sensitive topic to talk about. It is because history can be changed as the time flows by where they have more evidences been found with technological advancement and others. Moreover, history that we are currently learning may not be true. It may change completely because we know history is mostly based on the record that is left by winner” of the event.

The reasons that I disagree is:

  • Current textbook is anyway going through verification of Government of Education to check any inappropriate information included so why there is needs to create new textbook that is unified. –> Also could think it is waste of money.
  • Personally, I believe it is REALL IMPORTANT to view history in different perspectives rather than one single perspectives. History forms when different ideas come to form into one. (It is because history is mainly recorded events, people has different perspectives and view even though they are standing at the same spot at the same time.) So, going through various perspectives to create history book is VERY important.
  • It is true that examination is hard. How about making the examination easier since students are not only struggling with single subject, History but all other subjects.

What do you think? 

Education: What is right for our future generation? (part 1)

Education in Korea…. What do you think of it?

As someone who experienced elementary school education and western side of education, I know how it is different. I felt it through my skin.

To be simple, Korean education is fixed and western is not. Fixed means no creativeness. Korean education does not require any creativeness nor personal thought. It is rather based off from the textbook that was given from the school and study only from it. You don’t need to know why it is like that or how it became like this but rather memorize just because it is on textbook and what teacher said. It was just recently when they started to ask about personal opinions and ideas toward certain perspectives or facts but it is still lacking to show individual self. Of course it doesn’t mean students in Korea do not have their own perspectives and ideas toward what they are learning.   Some do but not all of them. To me, when I was in elementary school in Korea. The way to study for the quiz or test was to memorize what is on the textbook and statistical number. For math, just memorizing equations so I could use them to solve problems.

For Western education, it is different. They do have some parts where you have to memorize some factual information but in class, teachers explain why it is like that through various activities that involve ourselves to experience or to show videos and others that is much easier to understand. In high school, doing science, we actually do dissection to see how and why the system is like and what is actually like. It is more intriguing, interesting and easy to memorize.

Not only from learning but also we know when communicating with teachers. In Korea, when you are to speak to teacher or the class is the time when teacher asks question to be answered from students. You do not just speak your ideas in but you raise your hands up to be picked to speak. Then you stand up to say it out loud. On the other hand, in western education, you are given any time to speak out loud about your ideas and freely interact with teacher and other students about the answer that you have. There is mostly not fixed answers but more of personal ideas and thoughts.

Even in university, this can be shown. Recently I saw interesting slideshow where it shows the difference in Korean and Western universities. When giving lectures, professors in Korea do not provoke questions but rather just say what he has to teach and facts that will be on test. For western universities, it is rather giving students questions or topics that will lead to natural conversation about the idea that students may have.

Both sides have advantages and disadvantages but these are main things that I felt was some what “Asianess” and basic knowledge on what I am going to write next.

What are some of your thoughts?

12 hours… 65 years

If you are looking through recent news regarding to Korea, you will find something interesting yet rather depressing regarding to North Korea and South Korea.

To summarize, after long time, politicians had two different perspectives toward ruling the land of Korean Peninsula. One was communism and other is Democracy. Due to their different perspectives toward how to rule the peninsula, they decided to divide the peninsula into two half in order to rule as they believe what is good. This happened in 1945.

In 1950, North Korea’s government wanted to take over the whole peninsula so on June 25th, at 4am, invaded suddenly. This caused the whole peninsula to be in panic. All the males were taken to military to be trained to fight in war. According to the families that were separated, they mentioned how they will be separated only for 10 days but it ended up being 65 years.

Some people were separated due to male members being away for military and ending up not meeting them every again. Some people were separated while they were trying to evacuate as far as possible. Most of them were separated due to great amount of crowd trying to go toward south or north.

After the war paused and had treaty signed to have temporary peace, North Korea’s and South Korea’s government came together to let the separated families to meet together after a long time. There were times when this event paused due to continuous troubles and conflicts that happened between the countries. But in 2015, they actually made up to let dispersed families to meet after 65 years.

https://www.facebook.com/businessinsider/posts/10153155009284071 (from Facebook page, Business Insider)

This is the video where it has the English subtitles and what I found interesting was the comment that was left under the video. They mostly commented on how it is cruel to separate the family and letting them meet for only 12 hours instead of helping them to live together.

From here, I was able to see how it was relevant to one of GRSJ 230 classes that we had talking about law oppression toward minorities. It was not “minorities” but the main reason that they can’t live together was one of the laws of North and South Korea. Causing the war itself it painful to the race but suppressing them so they can’t meet showed deeper feelings for people who can’t see each other even though they breathe same air, stand on same peninsula.

From Tuesday to Thursday, some fortunate people were able to meet their separated family. However, there were another issues that government couldn’t afford to let all the people to meet their separated family, that they had to draw certain people out.

Looking at this ongoing sadness and conflict, I hope peace to come fast.

Creation of Hangul

Invention of Hangul

Hello Guys~ Do you know what day is today? October 9th is the Hangul Day! Today is the day to commemorate the invention of Hangul and to give appreciation to King Sejong who spent his life to invent language from scratch.

Hangul is something that people all around the world consider as something significant, innovative and (well it is informal but) cool. It is because Hangul could literally pronounce the words or the sound. It is because of the vowels and consonants being flexible. With Hangul, you could pronounce or even write in Korean what we hear. It is also considered significant since it is registered in UNESCO.

HOWEVER, it is not appreciated as much as it should be! K-pop songs include English or English words and concurrent people create “internet language” to use instead of using beautiful words given for us to use. Before this gets too serious, I like to discuss invention of Hangul.

Oct 9th, the day where people commemorate the invention of Hangul and show appreciation to King Sejong

Oct 9th, the day where people commemorate the invention of Hangul and show appreciation to King Sejong.

Hangul, Hoon Min Jung Eum and Korean language… what do you think of them? Let me rephrase this. Do you know what Hangul is? or Hoon Min Jung Eum is?

I bet not many of you will recognize these two words. These two words are Korean languages: Hangul, 한글 and Hoon Min Jung Eum,훈민정음. If those two words are Korean languages what is the difference? The difference between these two are very simple. One is 1st edition and the another is  2nd edition.

Hangul is like 2nd edition book. Koreans use Hangul to communicate. It is formed with 21 vowels, 14 consonants, and 5 double constants. In order to form the word or letter, at least one vowel and consonants required. With these alphabets, various combinations of words could be made. Hoon Min Jung Eum is the 1st edition of Hangul. To put it simple,  Hangul is modified language of Hoon Min Jung Eum.

Going back to main idea, can you believe if there is GRSJ issues behind invention of Hangul/ Hoon Min Jung Eum?

To start with, the time we are going back to is Chosun Dynasty. . Chosun is the last dynasty which the king ruled the country. The time is set to 1418 to 1450 when SeJong the Great ruled the country.

At the time of Sejong the Great, there was status to divide the citizens in to different rank. The highest was the royal family: kings, queens. Then, it was nobles, commoners and slave or servants. Since Korea didn’t have its own language, so the country was borrowing the China’s language to communicate with others. Due to this, there were a lot of people who were illiterate just because of their status or gender.

Women and slaves were not considered as “human” so they were not educated at all. Some women and commoners were educated to certain level if they are fortunate enough but they couldn’t participate in any roles of the society in our case, “government”.(Some of fortunate cases were women in prostitution, child from decent family or commoners that had enough money to send them to school).  Due to this, it was hard to communicate with citizens to clarify the laws or basic knowledge.

In 1428, there was incident which the son killed his own father. Chosun, considering the respect to the elders most significant attitude, believed this was just one outrageous, uneducated act done as the child. SeJong the Great was in despair of how people were illiterate about some of important aspects of country. So he decided to create our own language that was easy to read and learn.

From here, to conclude SeJong the Great invented Hangul so it was easy for commoners, slaves and women to learn and use it in real life so that they were aware of what’s happening in the country, cause no disrespectful act through education.

In our point of view, we could say the invention of Hangul was resulted from gender inequality, social justice so everyone has equal rights and do not cause any ignorant crimes to be caused.

Hope you enjoyed~

*Some of the diagram to show how Korea’s websites and Google is celebrating the Hangul Day*

Hangul Day - Naver

Hangul Day - Daum

Hangul - Google

What do you think of it?

Personally, I think this is just fabulous. It is first time that I am realizing that King actually cared about “status difference” and “gender inequality” happening in the country and trying to let EVERYONE have education given. Not mentioned above but when he proposed of inventing the language, all the governors disagreed of this. Mainly because THEY DON’T WANT TO LET LOWER ONES (women or slaves/commoners) TO EVEN HAVE A CHANCE TO OVERTHROW THEM. They just care about how citizens start to get education and realize A LOT of bribing or extortion done to them then they don’t stand a chance.

But, since SeJong the Great invented Hangul, currently we are able to have some freedom and difference from other Asian countries. To stay independent.

Giving a hint about future blog post topic – Independent activists actually used Hangul to communicate with each other secretly in order to gain independence from Japan in later century. This is when people realized the importance of having their own languages and used the most.