Marketing Strategies of Rolex

After learning about how companies use different marketing strategies by finding their own criteria for targeting, segmentation, positioning, and their own points of parities and differentiation, I decided to choose the famous watch brand Rolex as an example. Rolex is known to be a watch worn for luxurious appeal. Known for its rich history in watch making, Rolex watches come very at a costly price. For this reason, Rolex targets wealthy individuals ranging from young adults to the old. Rolex tries different strategies to market their watches including advertisements with professional sports players and with celebrities. As for positioning, because of their expensive price tags, Rolex is positioned up high in the watch market with other luxury watch brands such as Cartier and Omega. These watch brands share similar points of parity in that they are watches however, what differentiates them is the price tag, how expensive they are, and design.