BLOG #2 – Sony’s Playstation’s Ingenious Marketing Strategy Against Microsoft’s Xbox One

Sony’s Playstation and Microsoft’s Xbox are video game consoles that have expanded each respective companies net worth by millions.  Sony and Microsoft, being direct competitors of each other, resulted in a “console war” where these companies devised different marketing strategies to attract gamers across the globe. Sony’s upcoming Playstation 4 and Microsoft’s Xbox One (to be released by the end of this year) have only added to the intense competition that have garnered attention to both hardcore and casual gamers alike.

What I would like to analyze is Sony’s subtle yet bluntly obvious attack on Microsoft’s console through video advertisement. This direct attack is from Microsoft’s press conference and exhibition of the Xbox One. The press conference have received unfavorable responses and criticisms because of the following limitations Microsoft has implemented on the Xbox One.

1.The inability to share and borrow video game discs with friends.

2. The requirement to be always connected to the internet to play games.

3. The price of the Xbox One will be $499 whereas the Playstation 4 will be $399.

In response to this press conference, Sony did the exact opposite of Microsoft’s Xbox One. The Playstation 4, unlike the Xbox One has the ability to:

1. Share and borrow video game discs with friends.

2. Play games without being connected to the internet.

In addition to this, Sony released a video advertisement attack in response the Xbox One’s inability to share game discs with friends. Adding humor, the two people just exchange discs. This effective marketing strategy was an attack on Microsoft as the Xbox One did not allow gamers to share discs with others.

This video became viral and currently as over 14 million views on YouTube from Sony’s official page. Along with this, this advertisement received praise and loyalty from many gamers.

Sony’s incredible marketing strategy dominated consumer’s psychological behaviour factors such as perception to attract the gaming target market.


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