India Opens its Doors to New Markets and Investments

India has recently gone through reforms in the economy. This time, they have opened up doors for foreign investors to come and invest in the company. This is highly beneficial and has been largely favored by the Indian population as it creates more job opportunities and triggers the economy to grow. India’s previous policy to prevent foreign investors to come and invest prevented economic progress and literally left the country in economic stagnation. However, with the new reform, companies such as Starbucks and WalMart has the opportunity to expand their business to what is essentially the second most populated country in the world. For India, a bright future lies ahead as its reform opens up new business opportunities. Currently there are low barriers of entry as foreign investors can invest with almost no competition. I believe India is taking the right path in its economic development as new jobs and opportunities will be created. Although family jobs will be closed down, new jobs will be created.

Locals protest as they are worried they might lose their family owned businesses.

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