BLOG #1 – Ethics in Marketing: Microsoft Xbox One’s Sexist Marketing Strategy

Microsoft’s newest marketing strategy with the Xbox One was deemed as sexist as their strategy seemed to have a derogatory attitude towards women. Their strategy of allowing Xbox One users to send letters to their partners was backlashed with anger.

The first mistake Microsoft made was that they assumed that Xbox one gamers were all males. One of the default letters Microsoft used as an option for the gamers to send included: “Not sure if you’ve heard, but Xbox One is now available. That means we can start playing games like Dead Rising 3. I know, I know. You’d rather knit than watch me slay zombies, but hear me out on this. Xbox One is actually for both of us. Seriously.”

The sexist comment was perceived as offensive for both males and females and Microsoft wrote: “The letter is customizable and we meant no offense, but understand how the defaults could be perceived.”

I believe Microsoft made a big mistake assuming only males played the Xbox One and by thinking traditional gender roles were still relevant in the 21st century.

Microsoft’s Xbox One is one of the company’s most profitable assets.


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