Fashion Illustration – Colored pencil

Colored Pencil

Colored pencil is one of the typical tool to draw fashion illustration

This tool has merit of describing detailed parts.

Therefore colored pencil is used partly to decribe delicate part of the clothes such as patterns or small details.

And if you use colored pencil overall, it’s effective to make soft mood.

It takes very long time to complete a work with this tool.

It’s hard to color vividly so we should keep overwrap many colors to draw more realistic picture.


Picture <1> is good example of using colored pencil to decirbe the meterial’s feature in detail.

I select colored pencil to draw the pointy part of the fur meterial.

By using sharp colored pencils, I could draw realistic picture.


Picture <2> is an example of design main point by drawing patterns.

As you can see in this picture, stripe and check pattern is most important point of this style.

So I decribed it with colored pencil to draw delicate pattern.

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