Innovation is all that matters

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When I first heard the phrase ” life was much easier when Apple and Blackberry were just fruits”, I laughed and told my friends as if it was just another amusing joke, yet I started thinking.

Obviously, Apple has a tremendous market here in North America. Over the past decade, Apple has launched a number of  legitimately game-changing innovations. iPad and iPhone 4, these two latest released products once again proved the immovable place Apple has in the global market. What makes Apple such a successful company since 1977 ? I believe innovation is the key.

Apple has been ranked at the top innovative company in the world. Most people agree iPod is Apple’s best innovation. It combines outstanding design, superb performance, easy-to-use  interface and an experience like no other. IPod is not just a product or a device but a brand that appeals aesthetically to which people have made an emotional connection.

Sustainable competitive advantage, this term comes up in my mind while I am writing. Namely, it is something one firm can persistently do better than its competitors, something can not be easily copied. All the innovative ideas Apple have are a part of their sustainable competitive advantages. Their creative way of thinking enables Apple Inc. to cause revolutions in the technological world again and again.

People have different preferences when choosing to purchase certain things/services. It is unfair to say Apple’s products are the best in the world, but these high-tech devices do perform better in many ways compare to other similar goods. Whatever Apple is introducing to the world, it is something new, it is something that better satisfies consumer needs and it is something innovatory.

There must be a lot of competitors who is watching Apple’s every action “covetously”. Now, Blackberry launched its first-touch screen product: Blackberry Torch, and there will be new round of competitions among Apple, Blackberry and other phone companies.  Well, if all the companies are busy fighting with each other, trying to gain more competitive advantages, we, as consumers will benefit the most in the end.

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