Monthly Archives: February 2011

The Shanzhai Market–Continued

I would totally understand why people might want to purchase shanzhai products, especially in the phone market. I believe there is an increasing demand in the shanzhai phone market, particularly in China. Shanzhai cell phones look exactly like the original … Continue reading

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The Shanzhai Market-(part 1)

Shanzhai, literally means “mountain stronghold” in Chinese, however, the term also can refer to things that are piratical or home-made, generally crude in form and function. A “shanzhai” edition of product refers to those outside of government regulations , and … Continue reading

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Price Strategy

“Retail is a fiercely competitive sector, but exclusive research shows that while shops might try to beat each other on price, consumer perceptions of how cheap or expensive brands are is not as simple as seeing what rings up when … Continue reading

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