Starbucks new logo -> nah~ not cool!

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So, a new Starbucks logo is unveiled in the market, even though there are lots of criticizes coming with it. Starbucks omits its name and the word “coffee” in this new logo, and this move is infuriating many of  its loyal customers.  Chief Executive Howard Schultz stated that, “Even though we have been, and always will be, a coffee company and retailer, it’s possible we’ll have other products with our name on it and no coffee in it”, obviously Starbucks (without the word “coffee”), is experiencing certain changes within the company and wants to step into industries other than coffee, as well as being more “international”by removing the English language words.

As we learnt in Marketing class, packaging is a key brand element. A company’s visual presentation does effect customers purchasing decisions. Starbucks hasn’t changed its logo since year 1992, and now it hopes to broaden its brand image with a logo change.

I am not a fan of this new logo, and I would still prefer Starbucks keeping the old logo as it has become a symbol of history, the way it is always been, and changing the logo may cause Starbucks to lose some of its tradition. However, I would also say, the logo change won’t hurt cafe sales a lot, at least in the short term, because of its existed solid brand image. People are already familiar with the brand, and they come to Starbucks coffee stores not because of the beauty of the logo, they come for high quality coffee.  Eventually, people will accept the new logo, and actually, the change of logo gets people talking about Starbucks even more!

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